Guangzhou Deed3d Technology Co., Ltd.
Main categories: 3D printing service,FDM 3d printing service,rapid prototype services,polyjet 3d printing service,MJF 3d printing service
Sample name: Orbital Robot
Printing material: Carbon fiber
Delivery time: 1-3 days
Sample characteristics: High strength,impact
resistance, flame retardant,anti-static
Case:The customer made PEEK material in another company
before,the strength was not enough and it cracked during
use.After consulting us here,after discussion and
communication,we finally decided to use carbon fiber.Our
samples are not only high strength,impact resistance,but
also flame retardant and anti-static properties.The customer
orders hundreds of thousands of this one and constantly testing
new samples.




Sample name: Service robot shell

Printing material: ABS-M30

Delivery time: 1-3 days

Sample use: Structure,assembly and functional






Case:Sample service robot shell for Saudi customers to participate


in the exhibition.It adopts ABS-M30,which is divided into several


sections for printing and painting.Low cost and fully meet


customer structure,assembly and functional verification.Customers


also get a good display effect in the exhibition.




Sample name: Drone connector

Printing material: Nylon12 CF

Delivery time: 1-3 days

Sample application: Custom drone deliverables





Case:Nanjing XX Company requires high strength and light


weight.For this situation,we use Nylon12 CF+ Carbon Fiber.It


is as strong as metal and has the best strength-to-weight ratio.And


the use of internal hollowing,greatly reduce the cost.





Sample name: Deep-water robotic propeller

Printing material: Nylon12 CF

Delivery time: 1-3 days

Sample application: Function,structure,performance








Case:The deep water robot thruster developed by XX Research


Institute requires a pressure of 200KG.We use Nylon 12CF+


Carbon Fiber for strength comparable to metal,while also


reducing weight and excellent mechanical properties.








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